Are You Ready to Choose More Money?

How many of you have decided that having more money means you have to work harder? What if that is one of the biggest lies we have bought?

Science says that everything is made up of energy and has a vibration. Money has a vibration and each one of us has a vibration. Our thoughts and feelings...

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Money & You

How many of you are worried about money during this time of Corona Virus? My guess is that just about all of you have money on the brain whether you truly have lack right now or not.

Why is this the case? How many of you are highly aware? When you are highly aware you will pick up the thoughts,...

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Just because I don’t talk does not mean I am not communicating with you.

Just because I’m quiet doesn’t mean I don’t hear you.

Just because I do things differently than you does not mean I am disabled.

Just because I can’t look you in the eyes does not mean I am...

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