Clarity Event & Access Bars Trade
What if life can truly come with ease, joy, and glory?
What if you could be the lightness that you truly be?
Those solid, limiting points of view...
Have you ever had thoughts that ran through your head like groundhog day? The same thoughts over and over that never change?
I believe we all have and that is what our clarity event and bars trade is all about! Changing that pattern!
Bring your questions on any topic and we will take a dive in and clear out some of the points of view that don't allow you ease in your life.
What is actually possible when we let go of these old thought patterns?
Are you ready to find out?
Please find the class schedule below:
Clarity Event: 2:00 pm
Bars Trade: 3:30pm
The Magic of the Access Clearing Statement
Much of what we would like to change is not cognitive or logical; it is created and held energetically. The potency of the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is its capacity to clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck! It clears the energy underneath the words. It is a simple tool that thousands of people around the world use every day to change almost anything that is keeping them stuck, limited or tied up in knots.
So, during our clearing event, when you ask a question or think about something that is limiting you or not working for you, there is an energy that comes up. It’s a lot like defragging a computer. The energy comes up, you run the clearing statement and then you have a whole lot more space from which to create anything you choose!
The benefits of staying for the Bars trade is allowing your body and mind to deepen the changes made in the clarity event. More space, more receiving, more bliss. How does it get any better?