Money & You

How many of you are worried about money during this time of Corona Virus? My guess is that just about all of you have money on the brain whether you truly have lack right now or not.

Why is this the case? How many of you are highly aware? When you are highly aware you will pick up the thoughts,...

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Raising Joyful Children

Children have neither past nor future; they enjoy the present, which very few of us do. ~Jean de la Bruyere


Have you ever watched a baby or small child play? It’s really something to behold. Their movements are very fluid because they are at such ease in their bodies. They express...

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A Different Approach to ADD/ADHD

Children are full of energy, excitement and curiosity.

When a baby is born, it is growing and developing, and it has an innate curiosity to discover how the world works and to learn about all the amazing things that makeup the world around them.  Babies are curious about their surroundings...

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Changing A Habit

I’m into some new, fun, and exciting adventures! One of those adventures is the purchase of my first real estate investment property. I bought a little cottage in the mountains and I’m in the process of complete renovation. It got me thinking about the process of change.

When I first...

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